Unpair Apple Watch without iPhoneThe Apple Watch is paired to the iPhone from the moment you set it up. You can control its look, feel, and behavior using the Watch app on the iPhone…. #Apple Watch#How To#Tips & TricksTechieDipon December 26, 20214 Min Read
Install Automatic Watch Faces on Apple Watch, iPhone without jailbreakApple watch has grown popular over the years and has also dominated the smartwatch market. Apple Watch allows you to customize the watch face and add complications. But when it… #Apple Watch#NoJailbreakCJon March 26, 20202 Min Read
Unlock Mac with iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Apple WatchNowadays, there’s an ongoing tech-trend to implement the lock-and-key design in personal digital accounts. For example, Google lets users log in to their accounts by plugging in a USB drive… #Apple Watch#featured#iOS#MacTechieDipon April 25, 20157 Min Read
Apple Pay with iPhone 5, 5C and 5SApple has just concluded their latest iPhone keynote with a number of exciting announcements. We now have two new iPhone models (iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus) and a brand… #Apple Pay#Apple Watch#featured#iOS#iPhoneTechieDipon September 09, 20145 Min Read