Why you shouldn’t buy a NetbookWhen netbooks first came into the market in 2007, the main idea was to offer a low cost computer that could perform basic operations one would perform on a full… #General TipsTechieDipon September 13, 20124 Min Read
Prevent sites ( Facebook, Google, Twitter ) from tracking data with Disconnect.meWhenever you browse the Internet, some sites are capable of tracking your personal data and activities. Social Networks and Search Engines generally use this tracking data to provide you relevant… #General Tips#Google#How ToTechieDipon September 11, 20123 Min Read
Manage your Email notifications with TrayEmails are one of the primary ways of communication, both for professional as well as personal purposes. We receive a lot of emails daily and more often we do not… #General Tips#News#Web AppsTechieDipon September 09, 20122 Min Read
Get real-time flight information using Live flight trackerThe network of commercial airlines across the globe has reached its peak level. Thousands of flights take-off and land at international airports around the world. Keeping track of planes in… #General Tips#NewsTechieDipon September 04, 20122 Min Read
Stream torrent and online media files without downloading themOnline storage is most common these days. But what good is storage if you cannot use the stored files? Of course, you have access to the files, but most of… #General Tips#How ToTechieDipon August 21, 20122 Min Read
Use mouse gestures to control your computer actionsWe like to use shortcuts for nearly every action we perform on our computer. Whether it be the the simple Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V or be it application specific shortcuts, we want to… #General TipsTechieDipon August 18, 20122 Min Read
Control media player using hand gestures with Flutter AppIf you are a music fan, you must be having music turned on your computer most of the time. And it is not always possible go back to your computer… #General Tips#How ToTechieDipon August 15, 20122 Min Read
Access Hulu, Netflix, VEVO from outside the US legallyNow you can catch your favorite shows online on Hulu, Netflix and VEVO no matter wherever you are. “Hang on a minute,” you might say, “I thought these sites were… #General Tips#How To#topuseron July 23, 20123 Min Read
How to recover hidden files and folders from Virus infected DevicesThere are many situations in which a virus infection causes our data to disappear from where they were. The problem is, we realize that the data is still there (as… #General Tips#How Touseron July 21, 20121 Min Read
Keep your passwords secure with PwdHashInternet has become the most widely used tool of today. Millions of people have online accounts on countless websites. Maintaining separate passwords on different sites is not feasible, and people… #General Tips#How ToTechieDipon June 16, 20122 Min Read