How to know if you’re blocked on WhatsAppYou used to chat with someone on WhatsApp, and then one day, you suddenly can’t anymore. You begin to wonder, what really happened – Did the person just block you?… #How To#Social Media#WhatsAppTechieDipon August 17, 20175 Min Read
Save WhatsApp Status video and photo on iPhone, AndroidWhatsApp has its own version of the popular Stories feature, called Status, which lets you upload multiple photos, videos, and messages that automatically disappear after 24 hours. If anyone updates… #Android#How To#iOS#Social Media#WhatsAppTechieDipon August 11, 20176 Min Read
Send a message to yourself on WhatsAppSometimes, you might want to use a chat conversation for personal use, for example, taking notes, bookmarking Internet URLs, saving attachments, maintaining to-do lists, etc. And what better way to… #Android#iOS#WhatsApp#Windows PhoneTechieDipon August 02, 20172 Min Read
Send WhatsApp message without saving receiver’s phone numberFor most part of it, WhatsApp may have been able to replace SMS on your phone. It’s lightweight, instant and free, hence taking a significant advantage over conventional SMS. And… #Android#iOS#WhatsApp#Windows PhoneTechieDipon July 30, 20173 Min Read
Use WhatsApp on iPad, iPod Touch without JailbreakOriginally meant as a replacement of SMS, WhatsApp on iOS is specifically available only for the iPhone. So, if you want to use WhatsApp on iPad or iPod Touch, you’d… #How To#iPad#iPadOS#NoJailbreak#Social Media#WhatsAppTechieDipon March 12, 20173 Min Read
Understanding WhatsApp’s Security for Better PrivacyRecently, The Guardian published a story that claimed WhatsApp to have a “backdoor” that could allow third parties to snoop-in on your conversations. A person living in the post-Snowden era,… #Android#Privacy#Security#Social Media#WhatsApp#Windows PhoneTechieDipon January 29, 20178 Min Read
How to send large video on WhatsApp without losing qualityDue to its vast user base, WhatsApp often becomes the primary choice for sharing media with contacts. WhatsApp allows sharing media up to 16 MB size, which is sufficient for… #How To#iOS#Social Media#Tips & Tricks#WhatsAppTechieDipon January 11, 20173 Min Read
Send full-resolution photos, video on WhatsApp without losing qualityWhatsApp is known to use aggressive compression algorithms to reduce the size of shared media (photos, video) to save bandwidth. The outcome may not impact users in day-to-day use, but… #How To#iOS#Social Media#Tips & Tricks#WhatsAppTechieDipon January 11, 20174 Min Read
Share Animated GIFs via WhatsApp on iOS and AndroidAnimated GIFs are quite a thing on social media these days. And WhatsApp also recently jumped into the bandwagon by bringing in support for animated GIFs. By now, you might… #Android#How To#Social Media#WhatsAppTechieDipon November 14, 20166 Min Read