Following the confusion about WhatsApp’s privacy policy changes, millions have started joining privacy-friendly messaging platforms like Signal and Telegram. But, in the wake of this mass migration, a lot of people are annoyed about one feature that both Signal and Telegram provide.
Whenever a person in your contact list joins Signal or Telegram, the apps send a notification alert informing you that the particular person has joined the platform. So, if you’re already using Signal or Telegram, you might be getting a lot of these alerts lately. And, if you’re annoyed, that’s understandable.
Fortunately, there’s an easy solution for this annoyance. Both Signal and Telegram allow you to customize notification settings, and you can indeed tell both apps not to send new sign-up alerts. In this article, we’ll explore how to disable alerts for contact sign-ups on Signal and Telegram.
Stop getting alerts every time a contact joins Signal on Android and iOS
The below steps will allow you to disable Signal notifications for “Contact Joined Signal” Events:
- Open the Signal app on your Android or iOS device, and tap on your profile picture in the top-left corner of the screen.
- Tap on Notifications.
- Scroll down to the Events section.
- Turn off the switch for “Contact Joined Signal”.
From now on, you won’t be notified or alerted when one of your contacts joins Signal.
Note: The above steps apply primarily to the Signal app for Android and iOS. But the steps for disabling “contact joined” notifications are also similar on the Signal apps for iPadOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Stop getting alerts every time a contact joins Telegram on Android and iOS
Telegram also provides the option to turn off “contact joined” alerts from within the app settings. Below are the steps to do so:
- Open Telegram for Android or iOS.
- On Android, tap on the Menu icon in the top-right corner and select Settings. On iOS, tap on the Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap on “Notification and Sounds”.
- On Android, scroll down and turn off the “Contact joined Telegram” toggle under Events. On iOS, scroll down and turn off the “New Contacts” toggle.
Alerts for contacts joining Telegram will be disabled from now and you’ll get no notifications whenever one of your contacts becomes available on the platform.
Note: The above steps apply primarily to the Telegram app for Android and iOS. But the steps for disabling “contact joined” alerts are also similar on Telegram for iPadOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Now you know how to stop the annoying contact joined notifications from Signal and Telegram. If this article helped you to figure out the solution, drop a line in the comments below.